
提供一系列创新的诊断和治疗方案, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康提供卓越的前列腺癌服务和护理.



皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康前列腺癌项目是 泌尿肿瘤研究所皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康约翰逊综合癌症中心 (JCCC). The JCCC has an international reputation for providing the best in experimental and traditional cancer treatments.


综合、多学科、富有同情心的护理: The 前列腺癌 Program at UCLA Health offers the latest treatments with personalized, 移情作用的保健.

创新诊断检测:   UCLA's 前列腺癌 Program has been 在 forefront of research bringing new biomarkers, 成像(MRI和 PSMA的宠物), and biopsy techniques to improve the accuracy of prostate cancer diagnosis and detection.

在机器人手术和最新治疗方面的专业知识:  我们在所有治疗领域都处于领先地位, 尤其是图像引导的机器人手术, 新兴病灶疗法, 以及最先进的放射疗法.

高危患者专业知识: 而我们的医生治疗所有阶段的前列腺癌, 我们经常治疗复杂病例的病人, 其他医院转诊过来的.

获得创新研究: 几十年来,我们的科学家一直在取得突破性的发现. We offer our patients the opportunity to join our pioneering clinical trials.

优越的护理,离家近: UCLA Health offers prostate cancer services in many community cancer clinics across the greater Los Angeles region. This means you can receive high-quality care that's convenient for you and close to home.


From diagnosis to rehabilitation, we offer comprehensive prostate cancer services, 包括:  


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 我们使用最先进的技术在早期发现癌症, 在最容易治疗的时候, 包括:

前列腺特异性抗原 (PSA)测试: A blood test that checks for elevated levels of a protein made by the prostate called prostate-specific antigen (PSA). 这种蛋白是前列腺癌的生物标志物. Biomarkers are subtle changes in genes or proteins that might be a sign of cancer.

4Kscore®和选择MDx: Blood and urinary tests that augment the PSA to help diagnose prostate cancer.

前列腺MRI(磁共振成像): radiologic examination of the prostate that can detect abnormal lesions that require biopsy.

MRI定向活检: A procedure done transrectally or transperineally using advanced imaging techniques to identify areas of the prostate suspicious for cancer, 然后直接对病灶取样.

前列腺特异性膜抗原(PSMA) PET扫描: An advanced scanning technology that can locate prostate tumors as well as advanced metastases with unprecedented precision.

基因测试: Tests such as Decipher and Oncotype Dx are used as needed to stratify the risk of a given tumor in order to aid in clinical decision making.


我们的 癌症遗传学项目 evaluates the potential genetic factors that can increase a man's risk for prostate cancer. Knowing about a specific genetic risk can help doctors more precisely tailor treatments for prostate cancer that are optimal for you.



  • 需要积极监测的低风险癌症
  • 需要放射、手术或局部治疗的中等风险癌症
  • 需要多学科治疗和临床试验的高风险癌症



积极监测: A delayed treatment approach that is appropriate for men who have low-risk and slow-growing cancer. 主动监测包括定期检测和成像.

局灶治疗:高强度聚焦超声(HIFU) is a procedure that delivers focused sound waves to kill cancer cells on a targeted spot of prostate tissue.

冷冻疗法: 通过冷冻杀死肿瘤的一种方法.


Surgery can help cure early-stage prostate cancer that has not spread to surrounding organs. 程序包括:

根治性前列腺切除术: 切除整个前列腺的手术. Surgeons at UCLA Health typically perform this procedure using a minimally invasive, 机器人方法. This type of surgery enables surgeons to preserve sexual function and urinary control.

淋巴结清扫: 切除前列腺附近的淋巴结. 我们可以用这种方法治疗晚期或复发性前列腺癌患者.


After prostate surgery, some men experience problems maintaining erections or controlling urine. 我们提供以下服务,帮助男性重新掌控自己的生活:

盆底康复: Physical therapy for urinary incontinence caused by prostate cancer surgery or radiation.

前列腺切除术前后的康复: Management by The Men's Clinic at UCLA to prevent and treat erectile dysfunction after prostate cancer surgery.


高剂量的辐射可以破坏或杀死癌细胞. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,我们提供:

近距离放射疗法: 一种使用放射性颗粒输送目标辐射的方法. The pellets are inserted into the prostate and remain in place for months. Brachytherapy spares healthy tissue by focusing its steady, high-dose radiation more precisely.

外束放射治疗: A localized form of high-dose radiotherapy that spares healthy tissues that surround a tumor.

立体定向全身放疗: A focused radiation treatment delivered over five sessions that uses 3D imaging to target tumors.

激素疗法: 用于降低体内睾丸激素水平的药物. 前列腺癌依赖睾丸激素, 因此,降低这种激素的含量有助于减缓癌症的生长. UCLA Health offers the latest form of hormone therapy including the newest oral drugs and anti-androgens, 其中两个是在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校开发的.

化疗: Powerful drugs used in the setting of advanced disease and given intravenously to damage and kill cancer cells.

Provenge®: An FDA-approved cancer vaccine and immunotherapy drug that uses a modified form of a patient's immune cells to recognize and destroy prostate cancer cells.


UCLA Health is home to some of the top prostate cancer specialists in the country. They use the most advanced technologies available and innovative research to diagnose and treat prostate cancer.


泌尿外科, 微创泌尿外科, 泌尿道的肿瘤


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微创泌尿外科, 泌尿外科, 泌尿道的肿瘤
微创泌尿外科, 泌尿外科, 泌尿道的肿瘤
泌尿外科, 泌尿道的肿瘤
泌尿道的肿瘤, 泌尿外科
泌尿外科, 泌尿道的肿瘤
泌尿外科, 泌尿道的肿瘤
泌尿外科, 泌尿道的肿瘤
泌尿外科, 微创泌尿外科, 泌尿道的肿瘤
微创泌尿外科, 泌尿外科, 泌尿道的肿瘤




呼叫 310-794-7700 to request an appointment with a prostate cancer specialist at UCLA Health.


相信我们世界知名的前列腺癌专家,为您提供护理. 欲了解更多信息,请联系前列腺癌护理专家 310-794-7700.